I’m a Scientist is like school science lessons meet the X Factor! School students choose which scientist gets a prize of $1000 to communicate their work.
Scientists and students talk on this website. They both break down barriers, have fun and learn. But only the students get to vote.
This zone is the Boron Zone. It has a range of scientists studying all different topics. Who gets the prize? YOU decide!
Great question 🙂 most of the garbage in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes from the northern hemisphere countries the are on the Pacific Ocean such as USA, Canada, Japan, Korea. Litter from Australian is taken offshore by rivers flowing into the sea and then winds and currents. It usually ends up in either the southern Pacific Ocean or the Indian Ocean. There is so much plastic in the oceans that it kills many birds and turtles each year.
see this you tube clip of ocean currents that transport plastic pollution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCmTY0PKGDs