Question: did you do any clubs at school that helped you become a scientist

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  1. No, I went to a pretty average school, and I don’t know that there was anything like science clubs. Although, our town did have a regular science fair – but I only ever entered it once when I was 13 – and didn’t do a very good job!


  2. No – none of the clubs or societies at school were science related or even academically related for that matter.


  3. Similar to Matthew & James, there were no science clubs at my school, although we had a debating team which could be good for helping to develop an argument. Most of the school clubs were sport based. It is a great idea though to have a science club


  4. Hmmm, interesting question. Certainly didn’t do any “science” clubs. But I did a lot of music. Did you know there is a strong connection between maths and music? I’m not sure if music can make you better at maths, but its not uncommon for people who are good at maths to also be good at music.


  5. No, not really. I don’t remember there being any science-related clubs at all when I was at school.

