I’m a Scientist is like school science lessons meet the X Factor! School students choose which scientist gets a prize of $1000 to communicate their work.
Scientists and students talk on this website. They both break down barriers, have fun and learn. But only the students get to vote.
This zone is the Boron Zone. It has a range of scientists studying all different topics. Who gets the prize? YOU decide!
I am a “Scientists in Schools” partner with my daughter’s primary school in Brisbane. CSIRO coordinate this, and in one of their emails they mentioned that they were looking for scientists. It sounded like fun, so I put my name forward, and just a couple of weeks ago I got a call asking me to take part.
My university (JCU) signed me up for it because I am involved with some school training programs
How: I filled in the application form on the website!
Why: I had been looking for a way to start talking to school students, like you, about science. This seemed like the perfect way to start. I heard about it the same way as Matthew. Must admit I was kind of surprised to be selected!
On “How” – I was asked by colleague who is heavily involved communicating the research interests and expertise of the museum to the wider community.
On “why” I spend most of my time answering questions or identifying natural history specimens (e.g. birds, insects, spiders, reptiles, fossils). While we assist the whole community, our Centre particularly focused on assisting and engaging students (7-16 years). So the “I’m A Scientist” program was a natural extension of my work and it sounded pretty exciting! So I signed up.
I’m also involved with Scientists in Schools and that’s how I heard about it. It sounded fun – I love speaking with people about science and astronomy in particular. This seemed like a good opportunity to speak with students from all over Australia, something that I wouldn’t normally be able to do!