Question: What are you studying currently?

Keywords: ,

  1. urrently, I am researching a couple of topics. I am researching the possible impact of climate change on marine turtles. I track turtles with tracking tags to see how they use their habitats and I research the potential impacts of plastic pollution on marine wildlife


  2. I am interested in the behaviour of gases at ultra-cold temperatures. Specifically at the moment I am interested in how the theory of quantum mechanics describes “thermalisation” in isolated systems, and in the general principles of non-equilibrium behaviour and turbulence in these systems.


  3. The two project I am working on currently are 1) a book on the wildlife of the Adelaide area which will include most of the vertebrates species (animals with backbones e.g. parrots and possums) and representative accounts of the invertebrate species (animals without backbones e.g. insects and spiders) given there are so many of them; 2) investigating how to prevent honey bee from invading tree hollows (artificial & natural) thereby excluding the native wildlife that depend on these resources for breeding and shelter.


  4. I’m currently looking for planets orbiting two stars at once. To do this we’re using two methods. The first involves looking for them directly: we have to cancel out the light of the stars to do this as they’re about 10 million times brighter than the planets! We need really big telescopes (with 8 metre mirrors) on mountain tops in Chile to do this. The second method involves looking for the gravitational influence of the planets on the stars they orbit, and I’m working with amateur astronomers to do this. For this part of the project we’re using telescopes with small mirrors, only about 30cm!

