Question: what is the universe made up of?

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  1. About 4% ordinary matter, 25% “dark matter” (stuff that interacts via gravity and nothing else), and the rest is “dark energy” that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate (something like anti-gravity).

    Of the 4% ordinary matter, something like 95% is hydrogen and 4% is helium in starts, and the rest is everything else.


  2. Pretty much what Matthew said: “ordinary” matter that we can observe is a tiny fraction of the universe. Unfortunately we have no idea what dark matter or dark energy really are, so that’s 96% of the universe that is unknown!


  3. Stuff.


  4. space 🙂


  5. I’m with Heather and Mark – lots of space….. and a little bit of other “stuff”! 😀

