Question: what came first the chicken or the egg?

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  1. The egg. I think!


  2. The egg


  3. Definitely the egg!


  4. That’s actually a really interesting question on evolution I suppose.


  5. Thought I’d already answered this one, but here goes again…
    Definitely the egg! Seems like a paradox, but it is relatively simple. The chicken can only have come from the egg, without the egg there could be no chicken.

    Though, the flipside is not true. The egg may have come from a chicken-like bird that was itself not a chicken. Offspring’s of sexual reproductions are not identical to their parents and if mutations are included into the mix, we observe even greater differentiation. So the forebear to the chicken was not a chicken, but closely related to it!

    In reality such questions are looked at over populations and time, rather than between individuals and generations. Adding these extra elements allows for genetic drift and speciation over time. The perplexing aspect posed by the question, is that these two important considerations have been excluded from the question.

