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Mark Hamann
Favourite Thing: My favourite thing about science is that it gives me the freedom to explore, learn, travel and teach. I don’t usually work on experiments and most of my research involves traveling and camping, catching animals in their environment and learning from them.
Dover High & Brighton High
Flinders Uni & University of Qld
Work History:
Charles Darwin University, IUCN in Vietnam, QLD Government and James Cook University
James Cook University
Current Job:
Lecturer and research scientist
Me and my work
I am a marine biologist who works with marine animals – such as turtles, dugongs, dolphins and sea snakes
My Typical Day
My typical day involves meetings with students to discuss their projects, answering email and research tasks.
My working days are all very different. I generally start the day by catching up on overnight email. I do my own research and schedule any new meetings for Mon & Tues – these include staff meetings etc. Wednesday’s are typically when I organise my lectures and practical material for Thur and Fri classes. Thursdays are spent meeting with students (6 PhD students by 1 hour each) and giving a lecture (1 hour). Similarly, on Friday I start the day with a 9am lecture and then continue with student meetings. In between all of this I also have to respond to ~ 50-100 emails per day.
This schedule works really well most of the time, but it fall apart when i travel. In a typical year I would spend around 3 weeks doing research field work – mostly in Torres Strait. Plus I spend a few weeks a year travelling for various conferences and meetings.
What I'd do with the money
I am investigating whether I can do live video chats from the Reef HQ sea turtle hospital into schools
Reef HQ is an incredible marine aquarium in Townsville, and one of few with live coral exhibits. The education staff at the aquarium do live video chats from the coral exhibits with schools all over the world. I am investigating the potential to conduct live video chats from the turtle hospital sections specifically on marine turtles. This has not bee done before and I think it would be awesome. Stay tuned and hopefully it can work
My plan B is to investigate doing live video from a sea turtle research site, or school visits.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Energetic, blue-minded, parent
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Hard to pick a favourite, I just bought Busby Marou’s new album – great stuff
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Recently – trying to teach my daughters to surf. Living & working in Vietnam was also loads of fun
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. that my children get to explore the wonder of our natural world as we have known it 2. that we get so good at protecting our natural world that we dont need conservation and 3. that there becomes a global standard for chargers on electronic devices (or we can charge devices wirelessly)
What did you want to be after you left school?
I changed my mind many times, from carpenter to surfer, to baker, back to carpenter then park ranger and finally researcher
Were you ever in trouble in at school?
mmm often, mostly for talking and mostly in biology & english
What's the best thing you've done as a scientist?
Travel the length & width of the Great Barrier Reef looking for turtles and also looking for turtles along entire Vietnam coast line
Tell us a joke.
Sports followed
AFL, surfing
Favourite team
Port Adelaide
My profile link: